AnalysisPros is an independent Finite Element Analysis Services (FEA) firm, established in 1994, dedicated to support the design and engineering community with FEA applied knowledge and access to the latest analysis solutions and technology. The company provides structural (linear and nonlinear, static and dynamic), thermal, fluid and MoldFlow analysis capabilities utilizing FEA tools. The company mission is to provide its clients with the best analysis solutions available and the highest level of support and quality possible. The company provides analysis services to almost any imaginable application. Application of the FEA methods range from traditional Aerospace, Automotive and Medical to the Entertainment and Toy industries.

AnalysisPros clients include design and engineering firms that have a need for an occasional and reliable analysis services on their designs. This service is an alternative option to companies which do not have large enough volume of analysis that justifies the purchase, maintenance and dedicated personnel for doing the analysis work. It directly translates to saving in time and money by utilizing a company that has the latest FEA technology and experience readily available. By using the service, it is possible to generate a simulation of any designed structure, loaded with almost any imaginable way. Through the use of FEA tools and many years of analysis experience, the virtual testing of any design is made possible in record time.

AnalysisPros supports its clients at any stage of the engineering process. The analysis service helps in evaluating feasibility of new design as well as trouble shooting failed design already in the market and finding solutions without the need to prototype and waste time and money. For companies that comply with the  ISO 9000 design process and FEMA recommendations, numerical analysis and virtual testing, verification and validation is a must. FEA methods provide the capability for companies to establish a design review at any stage in the project. The benefits of starting analysis early in the design cycle translates later to savings in cost. By validation and verification of the design, before even prototyping, true optimization can be achieved through a predictive testing.

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